The farm has modern stable facilities with courtyard areas and the animals are raised organically.

Our animals are fed with natural organically certified Cypriot feeds free from pesticides and genetically modified organisms since the rules governing organic agriculture and animal husbandry are applied.

The unit is semi-extensive, meaning the animals live in their natural environment, maintaining its well-being and prioritizing their welfare in a sustainable manner.


The animals live in the stables and have unrestricted access to the courtyard areas but go out to organic pastures daily where they live happily, in their natural environment. Every day they travel about 2-3 kilometers amongst the area’s natural vegetation grazing on local plants which infuse all the aromas of the region and what nature offers to their milk.

O Pappous Bio Farm - sheep

Their diet also includes our national product, which is the carob that gives added flavor and nutrients value to our products and enhances the taste of our end products.

The result of our farming practices is to have excellent quality organic goat’s and sheep’s milk rich in nutrients iron, proteins, trace elements and minerals valuable to our body, and Happy Healthy animals